
Horse 8"

SKU: 1301508
Weight: 0 lbs 5 ozs
Brand: Zook
Units in Stock: 4
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Price: $4.29
Horse 8"
Product Details

(Protects Farm Animals & Pets)

The horse played a major role in early farm life.  It is not surprising, therefore, the horse was one of the symbols selected to ensure protection for farm animals and pets.  It helped protect against disease and lighting. An early version of this design showed a stylized horse head cleverly placed inside a five pointed star.  Here, the star provided an added measure of good luck.  This design protects farm animals and pets.  (Source: Legendary Hex Signs)

All hex signs are "lovingly" hand screened on masonite by Jacob Zook in Dutch Country, and are designed for indoor and outdoor use.

Put one small nail/screw in center.

8" Size; Same as above.
Larger Sizes; Drill 3-5 small holes. Use galvanized screws/nail.
For longer life we recommend a non-discoloring sealer for oil based paints.  Seal all sides.

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P.O. Box 70
Keno, OR 97627
Phone: (541) 850-0304  

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